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astonishing view from MACAU TOWER

Haven't really finished writing about the places we visited in Macau during this years tour and I still got a few. It could be noted that these places are the ones that you usually see in blogs as I love going to attractions where everybody goes. There's comfort in that and at least in my case I also want to experience the popular places first. It's like learning your a,b,c before attempting to write words.

As a traveler, I haven't satisfied the need to see the usual yet so as to seek the off the beaten path. One of which is MACAU TOWER, our last stop during the trip before heading to Hong Kong.

astonishing view from MACAU TOWER
MACAU TOWER is an observation deck with panoramic views. Not only that, it also serves as a communication and broadcasting tower.There are also restaurants, theaters, shopping malls and the Skywalk X, a thrilling walking tour around the outer rim and a convention center too. I heard that the inspiration came from the SKY TOWER of Auckland New Zealand. 

Thanks to Stanley Ho, the Macau billionaire who thought of having one in the territory. True enough, Macau Tower today is probably one of the most visited attractions in Macau.
There was actually a little hesitation on my part as to see it or not. Remember the Victoria Harbor fireworks missed? This was the reason for that, the last minute attempt to see how the view is like from up there. Plus I was thinking of saving a few bucks coz the entrance fee has already increased from 90 Macau Patacas (MOP) to 120 MOP which is around 630 php. Times two for me and my wife and that's 1260. But hell, what's 1,260php for the experience of a lifetime right? After all, we don't know when we will have the chance to go back.  

That entrance fee affords you only of the view deck where the sight is really astonishing.....

one of the 3 bridges connecting Taipa district to the main peninsula of Macau

Macau Tower is the tallest building in the former Portugese colony which measures 338 meters in height. Grand Lisboa which stands 258 metres comes far second. That said, the view deck allows you a 360 degree view of the surrounding area including some parts of China and marvel at how packed this small territory is and how restless it is in its expansion.

I though I have fear of heights but acrophobia or not, this is something one should not miss.
view of Taipa district

WHY? To see progress. 

One of my students once told me a story. Her friend was perflexed weather to send her son to China or the Philippines to study English for a few months. So it was between Beijing and Manila. My student helped her decide by saying she should send her son to Beijing instead. When her friend asked why---she argued, because kids need to see progress , they need to realize how fast the world changes so that they would tell themselves that they should learn to be competitive so as to keep up. That's one education tourist lost for the Philippines so I was taken aback but I couldn't help but agree with her.

You should see how progressive the once impoverished territory of Macau is now. To do so, you should go to the tallest point in Macau and see for yourself.
progress everywhere....

with China on the other side (left)

While at the observation deck, I was so envious of the progress that I see around me. How they managed to acquire such wealth and improve their living conditions at this level. I wished for Manila and my country to experience the same................and how I wish we can also have a sky tower in here.sigh

Yeah, when you travel to Macau, Macau Tower is not to be missed. If you are more brave than I am, maybe you can try thrill walking or better yet bungee jumping like what Edcel Suyo did -- .

I am not as brave as Ed is. For a highly visual person like me, looking around was already a pleasurable experience.Never miss the astonishing view from MACAU TOWER and if I may suggest, if you visit a place, say you go to Corfu Greece, that is if you find cheap flights to corfu, try to go to the highest point and see how it looks like from up there. This is what we mean by seeing the world in another perspective....

PS; Thank you so much to Ro Anne 
for keeping us in good company during our 2nd day in Macau. 
We miss you!!!


  1. next year pa ko dyan hehehe

  2. ang saya naman talaga.. paglaki ko gusto ko rin pumunta jan.. heheh

  3. next year din ako punta :)

    im excited! hehehe

  4. My Macau day will come. And I will definetely not miss the Macau Tower as well as the bungy jumping..

  5. nakapunta sana me dyan kung sumama ako sa family trip kaso ubos na leaves ko e. hehehe.

    makakapunta din me dyan balang araw. kakayod muna ako for caching-cashing

  6. Lucky it wasn't foggy when you went up the view deck. I was quite disappointed during our visit because I didn't get any decent picture from the top, but at least it was offset by the the thrill of the bungy jump :)

  7. Wow, the view from the top is really breath-taking. I love the first photo kahit may "asungot", it didn't ruin the photo naman.

    I can't help but envy Macau, too. Tsk.

    Anyway, there is a proposed Manila Tower in the Entertainment City. Pero the last news I got is that it has been axed from the plan 'cos of the close proximity of the E-City to the airport. Idk.

    I miss you kuya! See you one of these days! <3

  8. Bungee jumping is fun. Tried it once, pero hindi sa isang Macau Tower ... Ikaw na naka-Macau! Hmpf ... LOL! :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

  9. naks--nagbabalak nang mag out of the country si Bino!!!gho for it.dapat Macau-HK para FTW!!!!

    ardee---from Sg to Macau---yomon yomon!!!!

  10. Mr. Chan---daming me balak next year ah.anu ba meron next year sa macau?lols

    pack up and drift--takes a lot of courage to do the bungee jump.tapang ha!!:D

  11. khantotantra--sayang naman at family trip pa.buti ka nga me plan your leaves well.:D

    lakwatsera de primera--buti ka nakapag bungee jump.naku.pag ako baka mahimatay ako dipa nakakatalon.lols

  12. I've been there, pero hindi kami nakatalon dahil walang pang-bungy hehe :D Medyo foggy yung first na punta ko, pero i was able to take pictures naman nung second attempt. I'll blog about that long delayed Macau series soon :D

  13. ang ganda ng pagkalanscape ng lugar... sana makapunta din :D

  14. You didn't bungee jump? Gods how scary that must be!!! Galing ni Ed ano.

  15. You should have tried bungee jumping or the Sky Walk... i did. hihihi!

  16. WoW! I visited Macau but didn't have a chance to go up the tower. I found it fascinating that people were bungee jumping! You got some lovely perspective shots here.

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