IBAGIW: The Baguio Creative City Festival
Did you know that Baguio City was awarded "Creative City" status by the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) in 2017? I honestly didn't hear about it until a friend invited us to visit the city last November and our trip coincided with the staging of the 2nd installment of "Ibagiw" -- The Baguio Creative City Festival 2019.
Did you know that Baguio City was awarded "Creative City" status by the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) in 2017? I honestly didn't hear about it until a friend invited us to visit the city last November and our trip coincided with the staging of the 2nd installment of "Ibagiw" -- The Baguio Creative City Festival 2019.
In particular, Baguio is dubbed "Creative City of Crafts and Folk Art" ( The 1st Creative City in the Philippines) which it is very deserving of to my opinion. It is modern and yet deeply in touch with its cultural roots which I say gives you a taste of Cordillera's and the rest of the Mountain Province's culture and arts.
The venue was packed with painting displays, from corridors to each rooms. There are also crafts and local products for sale as well as a makeshift coffee shop where one can order not just refreshments but snacks as well. Walking around was like a museum trip with an added twist. It was weekend so it was packed with people.
To top it all, there was a special performance of some of the best musicians of the city. The lobby section was transform into an intimate concert hall. I was impressed at how good the singers are in Baguio, watching them was like watching a top-caliber musical. It was my first time to watch a musical performance in this kind of setup. Add to the crisp, cool air of Baguio, the rusticity of the place, and the great performances, it was a moment that will stay in my memories for a long long time.

This year's Ibagiw Festival was held November 16 to 24 at Baguio Heritage Hill and Nature Park, no less than where Heritage Hotel is located. Yes, who would have thought it could be a fitting venue for an arts and cultural showcase which I think really gives the event a whole new dimension to it. When I was here a few years back, all there was is the old, crumbling building famous for its "ghost" chronicles.

Follow Ibagiw Festival On Social Media
As it looks like this is going to be a yearly event.
Which I hope will be as it is really good.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ibagiwfestival/
Instagram: https://www.facebook.com/ibagiwfestival/
Website: www.ibagiw.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ibagiwfestival/
Instagram: https://www.facebook.com/ibagiwfestival/
Website: www.ibagiw.com
Email: ibagiw.festival@gmail.com
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