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camping in SEA CAVE BOLINAO for our 12th Anniversary

Not recommended for those who have "Fear of Being Loved”

January 21,January 28,February 9,February 14

These are all very important dates to me and my wife. Our birthdays fall within those dates and our anniversary as a couple happens to be January 28. Yep, we turned 12 years last January 28.It was yet another memorable day for us. We went back to our hometown Anda to transact a very important business then proceed to the nearby town Bolinao Pangasinan to celebrate life and love.

Quick recall: I was in Bolinao with a group of bloggers more than a year ago and we were toured around Patar by Puerto del Sol. That was when I learned about the ROCK FORMATIONS of Patar.

One of our companions, Ada, pointed to a nearby site where she and her photography friends camped overnight. That sparked my desire ever since to take my wife there and camp together. Luckily, got to talk to Ms. Melody, the Marketing head of Puerto del Sol. She offered that for our safety, we can just stay in their property -

-----our goal was to make our 12th ANNIVERSARY unique and extra special, the camping at SEA CAVE Rock Formations of Patar was a perfect fit!

camping in SEA CAVE Patar Bolinao
I feel privileged such offer was extended to us even without me asking.For the record, the SEA CAVE in Patar Bolinao is a private property of Puerto del Sol Resort. It is still virtually untouched but the resort has future plans for the area. It is currently part of the DAY TOUR itinerary that Puerto del Sol offers to it's Hotel guests.One of the surprises of the land tour if I may add as I was also awed by it the first time we went there.

Places like the SEA CAVE are for me a perfect place for some intimate dates,say, camping under the moonlight. This is where me and my wife----exclusively spent the night on January 28,2012.



The Sea Cave is part of an area on the eastern coast of Bolinao along Barangay Patar between Puerto del Sol and Patar White beach  characterized by rugged rock formations as a result of sedimentation and the constant battering of sea waves.Despite the rocky punctuations, there are areas of powdery white sand and a few shrubs and trees adorn the landscape.The area, although near the main road, is non-residential so you get the feeling of nature and isolation.
with PATAR LIGHTHOUSE at the background.(far center)



The entire stretch  of Rock Formations is a few kilometers long. This private property of Puerto del Sol is side by side another property which is also open to the public.We walked there in the afternoon shortly after setting up our tent.We saw a couple of tourists on the rocks gleefully taking photos. Me and my wife also took advantage of the setting sun to snap a few shots...........


 Though also a private property, the original spot where we planned to  camp has been explored by some vacationers from Manila where they camp overnight. I was therefore anticipating that there are other people at least nearby. Surprisingly, nobody camped in the area that night except us.The whole coastline was all for us with the moon lighting our one of the most intimate time together.Let's face it, given the life that we have these days, being physically isolated from our friends or family could often be next to impossible. We love being together. Right. But sometimes, you wanna break away from the crowd and be in a place where there's no one except you two. We were successful on that note.

Actually, there were supposed to be six or more of us. Our friends and  two other bloggers planned to join us.It was a welcome thing to me. The more the merrier din diba. Plus I have issues with security sometimes. But a series of events lead to one cancellation to another, until there were only the two of us left.l The show must go on, at any rate, we originally planned to have it only between us.

TALK ABOUT SECURITY, yeah, I have issues with security----well,sometimes.The fact that I live in the nearby town made me confident about the people in the area. Westerner Pangasinan folks are warm and peaceful so I was not worried at all. In terms of our personal stuff, the property has a caretaker who made sure people dont enter the gate without his knowledge. That's another blanket of security there. Translate that---a very peaceful night sleep under cool moonlit night of Bolinao Pangasinan.

Woke up the next day to this.......sarap!!!

Talked to Kuya Jose the, the caretaker of the property, the day before.Turns out he has tricycle so we agreed that he take us to Patar Lighthouse and Patar White Beach. At any rate, the shuttle of Puerto del Sol will not be coming until lunchtime to take us back to the Resort where we were scheduled to have lunch again.
the tricycle ride to fun

 Most of our morning was spend on the lighthouse and the beach where we took a dip for more than an hour.

camwhoring in Patar Lighthouse
view from the Lighthouse

Got to explore the other side of Patar beach. The Southern part where more people dont go. We weere supposed to walk further but we didn't have much time left so we decided to do it next time. This will definitely be our last visit here....

I am not a fan of writing messages on the sand but my wife was able to convince me to take a photo of this one........It was our 12th year Anniversary naman so hayaan nyo na :)

here's to 12 years of love,togetherness and beyond! :)

We went back to SEA CAVE at exactly 12 noon to wait for our shuttle back to PUERTO del SOL but I was texted by the front desk officer that it will be delayed 30 minutes or so. Good thing Mang Jose has the perfect goodies after a tiring tour of the area and sunbathing in the beach---FRESH BUKO JUICE to top it all!!!Then off we go to La Playa Restaurant for lunch.

Thanks Ms Melody for the rimely offer and to Puerto del Sol for allowing us to camp in your property.

The SEA CAVE, Patar Lighthouse and Patar White beach are part of the DAY TOUR package Puerto del Sol offers it's guests at an affordable price. Feel fee to contact the resort should you want to experience these beautiful places.

for reservations, call 
(02) 631 2861
(02) 635 2547


  1. super cheesy nga!!! :)

  2. sarap mag tent sa tabi ng dalampasigan kasi madidinig mo ang alon tapos masarap lalo kung may wind. tas solo keo. wahihihihih. :D

  3. happy 12 anniversary sa inyong dalawa.....

  4. Ugh! Ganda talaga ng Bolinao. I wanna go there.. like, now na!

  5. mukhang maganda nga mag-camping dyan.thanks for the tip

  6. hehe super cheesy nga! I thought guys are not so good with dates. Your wife is so lucky to have a guys like you. =) Belated Vday to the both of you

  7. pang 5th year ko na sa bolinao - every summer. This coming summer, iniisip ko, bolinao na naman ba for the 6th time? Iba naman! Nakakasawa na! Pero seeing these lovely photos. Hay naku.... see you bolinao for the 6th time this summer! Ang lakas ng hatak talaga!

    Magandang lugar + romantic bonding with love, san ka pa? ^^ congrats!

  8. oh wow, this place looks amazing

  9. nice pix pero kulang sa info.. pano ba kasi mag punta sa pinuntahan nyo..hee heee at mag kano ang mga na gastos nyo lahat lahat... hehehe

  10. sir wala po bng cell num if ever para s month end ng june punta kmi ng mahal ko reply po sna asap. contact kagad sana ako if ever eto po num ko 09275382136


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